According to
Wikipedia a
zine, which is an abbreviation of fanzine or magazine, is a small circulated publication of original work, usually self-published and photo-copied. Zines are created in a variety of formats covering various topics from propaganda to art and design. Here is a simple DIY zine.
How to Make an 8 Page ZineFIRST, grab a blank sheet of 11 x 8.5 paper

- Blank Sheet

SECOND, fold in half

- Blank Sheet folded in half
THIRD, make two more folds (meeting the existing fold)

- Blank Sheet folded in half with one more fold
Should look like this after both sides are folded.

- Blank Sheet folded in half with two more folds
FOURTH, open and fold in half long way

- Blank Sheet opened after folds

- Blank Sheet folded in half long way
FIFTH, open and cut with exacto knife between the four inside rectangles using straight edge

- Blank Sheet folded with cut

- Blank Sheet folded with cut
SIXTH, fold in half long way

- Blank Sheet with cut folded in half long way
SEVENTH, push two ends in

- Blank Sheet with cut folded pushed two ends
EIGHTH, fold until looks like a mini magazine

- Blank Sheet folded like mini magazine

- Blank Sheet folded like mini magazine

- Blank Sheet finished zine
Now that you know how to make an 8 page zine, you can use this blank zine as a template. All you need now is some content. Once you have completed creating your zine and ready to print or copy, Top Commercial Print provides high quality
printing services.
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